Get Your Nonprofit Fully Funded in 2024 and Beyond - with Major Gifts 

Bring in all your organization needs, even if you have never raised money before!

Introducing Iconic Income: Your Major Gifts
Training & Coaching System

Iconic Income is the self-paced A-to-Z Training & Coaching System to create and execute a robust fundraising program to produce a conveyor belt of donors - who not only give the first time, but connect more deeply with each subsequent gift, so your bank account can grow to match the size of your vision.

You have already invested time, treasure and talent in your organization - but many hard-working, knowledgeable, caring nonprofit founders quickly learn that passion alone does not carry any worthwhile effort. Resources must be brought to bear.

You Can't Change the World if You Can't Pay the Rent!

I'll never forget hearing those words from mentor Morton Blackwell, as I struggled to earn enough to support myself in full-time nonprofit work. And then I was shocked when my friend Dan Reed and I were trained how to unlock large donations from people we had never bet before, in a short window of time. Dan stayed in philanthropy, and raises tens of millions per year today. Here's the story of my first Major Gifts "ask"...

In my first "real" nonprofit job, I was told to wear a suit, bring a briefcase, and learn a presentation. The costume was easy; however I was almost fired due to my difficulty in learning by heart a 25-minute script matched up to forty-something slides.

After convincing my boss to let me out into the fundraising field despite my stumbling style and painful pauses, I got on a plane, hopped into a rental car in wintry, wind-whipped Wisconsin, and followed printed maps to a home where I felt teleported back to the 1950's.

My first-ever "prospects" were a husband and wife who owned a small farm-implement manufacturing company. These were the modest, old-fashioned folks in "flyover country" - whom one might encounter while reading a Hardy Boys novel. And they had money.

The Earl Grey tea "the missus" made me warmed my hands and tasted good as I nibbled a dry tea biscuit.  I'd have taken any excuse to delay the real reason I was there, surrounded by floral wallpaper and patterned doilies that adorned every piece of furniture. . .

"Why would anyone sign up for this?" I almost wondered aloud. I eventually pulled out my caveman-era laptop and presented, thankful I didn't pass out right on the spot.

As I came to the end, I made the ask, then shut my mouth, as I had been trained. What I didn't know was that the road to this moment had been carefully paved ahead for me. 

My hosts smiled, reviewed some desk papers, and quietly discussed my request, which seemed immense to me: $17,000.

The next few minutes felt like hours.

My pasted smile faded. I fidgeted with my hotel key, then I was handed a check for $17,000. I almost drove into the ditch as I left their driveway, elated and shocked. My life's trajectory changed that day, forever.

Today, I am an elite fundraiser. I'd like to share how you can be as well...

- Christian LeFer, CEO InstantNonprofit

Iconic Income: Three Experiential Learning Modalities

At InstantNonprofit, we have found that there are three elements to a lasting, transformative learning experience. In the age of video calls and online learning, it's more important than ever not to have a "one- or two-legged stool" - humans learn best with support from three legs of experiential learning, which are:

1. Content

Iconic Income includes over a dozen hours of video training proven to accelerate your fundraising effectiveness, plus interviews with fundraising specialists in: annual giving, events, and development operations

Each module is carefully segmented into bite-size pieces so you can log in and make progress in baby steps or big leaps.

You'll also be guided through nine (9) units of personal reflection & skill-development assignments designed to deepen your learning experience. Includes nearly two dozen downloadable resources including: proposal templates, request sheet examples, best practices, and major gift portfolio templates

2. Coaching

You’ll work live in a weekly video room with our top coaches and guest subject matter experts, answering your questions and letting you share your experience and insights.

This is where we will talk about the lessons, and get feedback about your celebrations and your frustrations, and mainly address one thing: Where are you going, and how do you move there as quickly as possible, to reach your funding objectives?


Your private messaging and sharing group is a peer-learning moderated environment where you will share your progress and get feedback and encouragement, and contribute as you are able.

This is also a place you can spontaneously bring insights and ask for situational guidance that can be addressed in real time, or answered more in-depth on your weekly coaching call.

Here's what one of our participants had to say about Iconic Income

Learn to produce money on demand while being THANKED by supporters … even if you have no prior experience at all in fundraising!

Course Modules

Your Journey to becoming an Elite Major Gifts Fundraiser


Module 1: Mindset: - Understand the World of Philanthropy

You’ll gain valuable insights into donor behavior, giving trends, and the philanthropic landscape in the US, enabling you to strategically navigate and succeed in your fundraising endeavors. You'll also discover and adopt the pivotal fundraising mindsets that will propel you towards fundraising success, breaking free from limiting beliefs and fundraising myths, allowing you to fully embrace an abundance mindset.


Module 2: Message - Master the Art of Storytelling

We all possess an "inner hero" - think William Wallace of Braveheart, Luke Skywalker, or Katniss Evergreen - ready to answer the call to adventure. By mastering the art of storytelling you will learn to resonate with your audience, creating a powerful bond and uncovering donors' genuine motivations. You'll then be able to seamlessly guide prospects through your Fundraising Framework, transitioning from cultivating interest to securing commitment using your compelling narrative.


Module 3: Mission - Set Your Fundraising Targets

In this practical module, you'll establish clear fundraising goals for the next six months, from seed funding to long-lasting donations. With our guidance, you'll create a concise one-page plan to target major donors aligned with your organization's needs. You'll also conduct a comprehensive Assets Audit to assess your organization's resources, and gain expert advice on key questions commonly asked by founders.


Module 4: Market - Donor Identification & Prospecting

In this module you'll develop a targeted list of potential major gifts prospects by creating a Donor Profile and employing the "Prospecting Equation." You'll then master the art of nurturing your "Donor Tree" to ensure a consistent flow of funds and establish long-lasting support for your organization.


Module 5: Money - Nurture Prospects Through 5 Stages of Giving

Like growing a garden, cultivation takes time. We recognize that you may be juggling multiple roles in your nonprofit, or perhaps even balancing a full-time job alongside your passion project. Don't worry; this is where your learning becomes transformative!

You will learn how to seamlessly integrate your List, Story, and Action Plan into the Iconic Income framework. This essential tool will help you capture the attention of your top donor prospects, driving your nonprofit's growth and success.


Module 6: Media - Create Your Major Gifts Engagement Packet

Module 6 takes you on an exhilarating journey where you become the captain of a well-prepared vessel, ready to reel in major gifts. Picture yourself sailing confidently into uncharted waters, armed with a meticulously crafted net that attracts potential donors.

During this lesson, you'll unleash the full potential of a compelling engagement packet and gift proposal. When presented in the right manner at the right time, these will inspire to action the individuals you've engaged in Module 5.


Module 7: Mobilize - Fearlessly Engage through Authenticity

In this transformative module, you will begin to step out and take action in the field, while experiencing a shift in perspective. Moving away from viewing fundraising as a necessary evil, you'll begin to see it as a pathway to forging genuine partnerships with philanthropists who share your vision for a better world.

Now is the time to cultivate those emerging relationships and advance your major gifts program, enabling you to sustain a thriving, effective organization - all without resorting to aggressive sales tactics, through a focus on building authentic connections.


Modules 8 & 9: Measure - Evaluate Your Results, & Celebrate Wins!

Embark on an exhilarating journey of continuous improvement and growth with Module 8. This module equips you with the necessary tools and knowledge to measure the impact of your Major Gifts fundraising efforts, refine your strategies, and achieve remarkable success. Just like a skilled sculptor, you'll mold and shape your fundraising strategy based on real-time experiences and field insights.

Harness the power of data-driven decision-making as you become a master of impact measurement. This empowers you to gauge the effectiveness of your efforts and make strategic adjustments for securing even greater philanthropic support.

The Best Time for Nonprofits to RAISE is Quarter 4!

Nonprofits raise more in Quarter 4 than in the first three quarters combined. With Giving Tuesday kicking off the biggest giving season of the year on November 28, NOW is the perfect time to start raising Major Gifts for YOUR organization!


Americans giving at an all-time high


Foundation giving is growing


Mobile Giving Single-Year Increase

Fund Staff & Programs, Go Full-Time, and Serve Your Mission NOW


Sign up for Summer 2024

The size of our class, or cohort, is limited to around 20 per live coaching session, so we can provide the highest level of instruction and feedback to you. 

Apply early and sign up for Iconic Income during the Q4 Cohort kicking off the week of September 25th. 

Those who complete the course and qualify will undergo extra training and prep for a professional interview, and have the opportunity to be featured in a sponsored promotion across social channels.

Raise money TODAY, become elite tomorrow.

When you enroll in Iconic Income, you're securing a brighter future for those who will benefit from your nonprofit mission. While there are hundreds of billions raised by people just like you every single year, those checks won't write themselves. Equip yourself with the strategies, tactics, tools you need, TODAY.

The combined value is more than $5,782 - don't miss out. Reserve your seat today!

money back
3-Way TRIPLE Guarantee

7-Day Unconditional Refund - no questions asked. 

"Never-Give-Up" Guarantee: We guarantee that if for any reason you don’t raise your target amount in the first 8 weeks during the standard coaching process, we’ll keep working with you until you do.

300% Return Guarantee: If you follow this program, do the work (and show it), and don't raise 3x the investment in 180 days, we will refund your money.

Iconic Income Fundraising Trainer Dan Reed

With a desire to activate generosity, Dan has served as a professional fundraiser for over 20 years. For causes ranging from public education to the advancement of free enterprise to animal health, he has helped raise hundreds of million dollars in private philanthropy.

In 2015, he launched Seed Fundraisers to re-orient, train, and coach fundraisers to achieve organizational results, answer a deeper caling to fundraising, and ultimately, contribute to lasting cultural impact.

After calling Denver home for the last 15 years, Dan and his family have returned to his hometown in Pittsburgh. He loves poetry, spirited discussions, the crafts of Kentucky, hockey, cocktails, and big dogs.

Endorsements for Dan Reed

Dan has over 500 LinkedIn connections, along with many other endorsements from highly successful nonprofit executives and development officers. Feel free to connect with him!

Heather Clay

Certified Fundraising

Executive, Leadership


Endorsed Dan for Fundraising,. Nonprofits & Leadership

Chad Mayer

Exec Director

Sharefest Comm

Endorsed Dan for Fundraising, Nonprofits & Strategic Planning

Joe Arioto

CEO, MetaGrowth


Endorsed Dan for Nonprofits, Strategic Planning, Nonprofits and Philanthropy


What is the Iconic Income Major Gifts Fundraising Training & Coaching Program?

The Iconic Income Program is a comprehensive training and coaching initiative designed to transform your fundraising strategy by focusing on major gifts to ensure the financial sustainability of your organization.

What makes this course different from other fundraising courses?

The Iconic Income Program is not just theory-based. We emphasize actionable strategies, real-world success stories, and hands-on guidance to ensure you see tangible results in your fundraising efforts. Plus, our focus on major gifts fundraising offers a unique approach to securing larger donations.

Who is this course intended for?

 This program is specially crafted for nonprofit founders or those in key leadership roles within nonprofit organizations who aim to boost their fundraising capabilities and build lasting relationships with major donors.

How long is the course & Coaching?

  The program includes 9 modules and group coaching over the course of 90 days, during which you'll dive deep into all facets of major gifts fundraising through training modules, live coaching sessions, and actionable assignments..

Will there be any direct support or mentorship during the course ?

 Absolutely! One of the standout features of the Iconic Income Program is the live coaching sessions. This provides participants a platform to seek personalized guidance, clarify doubts, and gain insights from experienced fundraisers.


How can I know this program can work for my particular nonprofit?

While all nonprofits are unique, they all fall into a set of established niches for which tried-and-true methods of fundraising have been proven over one hundred or more years. The reason the principles and practices upon which Iconic Income relies are successful is the same reason that sound sales process continues to work, regardless of media changes (internet versus direct mail, for example): Humans have an operating system that operates along a set of predictable emotions, responses, and behaviors. Professionals in both fundraising and sales know that empathy, care and understanding are key to success, as are timing, message, and helping your prospect know what steps to take to satisfy their own desires in life.

Will Iconic income teach me exactly where to find donors?

During the course, our coaches will introduce you to  methods to find  donors who have a history for giving in your particular niche. We will also introduce you to the tools and processes to determine the giving capacity of anyone you may encounter, or perhaps whom you already know, so that when you secure a meeting, presentation, or other solicitation opportunity, you will have a great degree of certainty as to the amount you might obtain from a successful request.

Does Iconic income include any taxes or payroll support? 

No, Iconic Income is solely focused on becoming an elite major gifts fundraiser so that you can fully fund your mission. Taxes, book keeping and payroll are separate functions of the nonprofit and would need to be handled by your accountant. 

A Personal Note

The #1 biggest reason I'm so excited to bring Iconic Income Major Gifts Training and Coaching system to you is because I have personally raised millions using these proven principles and practices - and I want YOU and YOUR mission to succeed!

I know that since this course was conceived, Dan and the team have poured heart and soul into improving it - while leveraging the experience of helping organizations raise hundreds of millions of dollars to advance causes that are vitally important to our brothers and sisters in need worldwide, as well as right in our back yard.

You literally could not be in more skilled, more caring hands.

- Christian LeFer | Founder & CEO | InstantNonprofit

I'd like to sign up, and have a question.

If you have the resources to invest, and have a question before you get started, book a consult!


Email questions to and we'll respond, and update the FAQ!