Major Gifts Fundraising MasterClass

Welcome to this 4-part Video MasterClass. We recommend that you turn off all notifications and distractions and take notes while watching the videos below. Take Action today!

Part 1: Discover the wealth in the nonprofit industry & where your nonprofit fits in

In this video, you'll learn about Key #1: Your Fundraising Environment. Discover your opportunities to capture a portion of nearly $500 Billion in annual private sector funding.
>>Click Here<< to Download your GivingUSA Resource 

PART 2: Donor Table - Identify Who and how many donors to hit you fundraising target

This video is all about how to determine the number of "up-at-bats" you need to raise your target amount, by leveraging your Donor Table and Prospecting Equation!

>>CLICK HERE<< to download your Worksheet Resources

Part 3: Donor Pipeline - Turn your Identified Prospects into Major Donors

In this video, you'll discover how seasoned, successful fundraisers move prospects across the bridge from Identification to Stewardship using the proven "Moves management" framework and donor engagement resources. 

>>CLICK HERE<< to download your Donor Pipeline Resources 

Part #4: Conclusion: DOnor Proposal & Your Opportunity to go deep in major gifts

UPDATED Monday September 18 - Shorter version with "Deep Dive" invitation. Don't forget your downloadable Resource - Gift Proposal & Pledge Sheet template! >>click here<<

Want to take a deeper dive to build a Major Gifts Program, with full-blown training & templates, coaching and community?

Join the 4th Quarter 2023 Major Gifts Fundraising Training & Coaching Cohort - Available Now (Closing soon!)

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