Why we changed "Yippiekiyay" to InstantNonprofit
Good morning.
I have a confession to make.
I broke one of my own rules...
...a rule I have been teaching in the nonprofit and business space for years...
...and now that I have made it right, I wanted to explain.
If you’ve been following us for a while - or even if you haven’t - you may know that our company "Instant Nonprofit" formerly went by the company name, "YIPPIEKIYAY".
Yippiekiyay was conceived as a battle cry against anything that would block someone from manifesting the change they want to see in the world - the "heroes" we call our customers.
That "Yippiekiyay" spirit will NEVER die here - and below I'll tell you why we changed the name.
To announce the change, we did send out a "hybrid logo" like this one above, as well as a couple of emails explaining the change when we first made it (around July 2019).
But apparently many didn’t see it, and we didn’t make it terribly prominent on our new website at the time.
Now, if we go back a lot further - before ANY company existed - I ran a blog called "GetNonprofitStatus" - you would see that I created a "How to" video that has (as of today) 103,496 views.
It’s called "Naming Your Nonprofit" - and it’s part of a 5-video series on "How to Start a Nonprofit: I shot in 2011.
(PLEASE don’t hit "REPLY" to tell me how awful my hair was and how poorly my shirt fit…
...it’s hard enough to watch, without hitting the "DELETE" button!)
Hey, at 51 years old now, I've got less hair, I'm in better physical condition, and have upgraded my aesthetic sensibilities since then!
The reason I keep this video up is because of the hundreds of positive comments I’ve received there.
It's also the NUMBER TWO VIDEO ON YOUTUBE when someone searches "Naming Your Nonprofit"!!!
That kind of ranking after nearly a decade - especially despite my "fashion faux pas" - means the actual content is high-value for the people searching on that subject.
So getting back to my "confession" and the name change from Yippiekiyay to InstantNonprofit...
That video teaches several solid principles about "How to Name Your Nonprofit" - among them:
Make sure you can get the website address!
Make it easy to say and easy to spell - and therefore easy to remember
It’s a bonus if the name speaks to the mission - such as "Boys and Girls Club"
Should evoke a positive emotion
But later, I broke those rules when I shifted from "blogger" to "businessman".
Put simply, while Yippiekiyay IS kind of a fun word to say and DOES evoke an emotion of excitement and adventure, the name "Yippiekiyay" (and the web address of www.heroes.do) violated THREE OUT OF FOUR of these principles.
Now, our name is easier to remember, it explains exactly what we do, and the "dot com" and social media properties are all ours.

Besides, I know as a both parent and a manager, "Do as I say, not as I do" is poor leadership, so this is my "mea culpa".
Our focus remains the same.
Our mission has never wavered from helping nonprofit founders like YOU focus on your mission, and not the IRS process and paperwork.
We do this by delivering the #1 Best Rated, fast, easy and cost-effective, turn-key 501(c)3 Nonprofit formation service found anywhere.
In fact, after a two-year process of auditing every single process, through 2018 into early 2020, we’ve made every aspect of our service EVEN BETTER:
- The best nonprofit specialists and customer service, bar none
- Super-fast filing and approval times
- An investment that’s still less than 1/3 what an attorney might charge
- A no-hassle process that is even more efficient - many customers finish their work in 30 minutes or less!
And the new name and website address of www.InstantNonprofit.com speaks to every "naming" rule, and reflects all of the improvements we’ve made.
We’re pretty darn proud of how far we’ve come!
So, I hope that not only does this explain the name change, but delivers some value as well.
And remember, ESPECIALLY while we’re all cooped up in COVID-19 quarantine and trying to come up with constructive things to do with our time…
... if you’ve been thinking about starting a 501(c)3 Nonprofit organization and would like to walk through what it would be like to take action on it, visit our website and:
- BOOK A CALL to talk with one of our Nonprofit specialists, or
- GET STARTED so you can be up and running when restrictions are lifted!
...and STAY TUNED as we all re-emerge and rebuild our post-COVID-19 world TOGETHER.
Thank you - stay safe and well until next time!
To your mission,
PS: We'll be coming out with some awesome new live videos, webinars, training and other high-quality content, so keep your eyes peeled...