Right alongside “Death” and the “Fear of Public Speaking” is the “Fear of Writing a Nonprofit Fundraising Letter”. But we’ve got you covered!
The art of copywriting is the subject of intense debate, intense opinions, and most of the common wisdom out there on what works is spurious at best, absurd poppycock at worst. Persuasive copywriting commands such a high level of interest in bookstores and libraries that it often has its own section, and a quick Google search of the word “copywriting” today reveals over seventeen million results!
Never fear! (You’re probably seeing a pattern here.). Coming Summer 2017, we’ll be hosting a Ninja Nonprofit Copywriting session, so be sure to sign up for our Newsletter and Roundups!
Continue getting help in starting your 501c3. We can help with everything, even your annual corporation report. Don't belive us? Hear what our clients have said about how we've helped them on the road to starting a nonprofit.