You just never know what opportunities will present themselves when you stay connected with your mission.
Nate Schoemer is a perfect example of that.
Nate was one of our first 501(c)3 formation customers with a mission to start his nonprofit Hira’s Legacy, aimed at improving the quality of life for dogs and their owners by providing free educational resources, rescuing dogs from shelters, helping the disabled, and creating a new generation of dog trainers.
This brilliant idea of creating a relationship of mutual love and trust between humans and dogs caught the attention of the producers at Animal Planet, and Nate’s nonprofit dream now plays out on a major national stage with the new featured show, “Rescue Dog to Super Dog”.
In Rescue Dog to Super Dog, shelter dogs are given a second chance to become a companion to someone in need. In each episode, Nate and his fellow dog training partner Laura London, meet a potential owner in need of a companion dog to help them in their daily lives. Nate and Laura then head to a shelter in search of dogs with the right attitude and aptitude to provide the specific service for the disability.
The show is awesome and I highly encourage you to check it out, especially if you’re interested in starting a nonprofit animal rescue and dog training. It airs on Saturdays from 10/9 central.
To learn more about the nonprofit journey of Hira’s Legacy and about the show, watch this great interview with Nate and Laura as they take the BUILD stage at AOL:
You can also watch more major interviews from Kathie Lee and Hoda at the Today Show to a Facebook Live with Animal Planet here.
Like a lot of nonprofit founders, Nate’s passion was sparked by a difficult life experience, losing his dog Hira, that he channeled into an opportunity that now transforms the lives of many. It’s incredibly inspiring to see him not only live out his mission, but also show the tremendous amounts of different opportunities and partnerships that you can take advantage of when starting your nonprofit.
Maybe this gets your gears turning about how you can turn your challenges into opportunities, drive your own mission forward, and make your mark in the world.
To your mission,
Jacqui Long | Yippiekiyay